City of Totana
Totana City
The city of Totana enjoys a situation of privilege in the peninsular Southeastern. Located in the Southeastern quadrant of the province of Murcia, Km2 has an extension of 287.67.
Its perimeter is an inclined rectangle of NW. , With one it narrows prolongation towards half of the western flank. It limits with Lorca, Mazarron, Alhama of Murcia, Mula and Aledo.
As far as the climatology, the town of Totana is zone of Mediterranean barren dominion, with an annual average temperature of 17.8º C. The total days with greater temperature of 30º are about 100 to the year and the days with frosts are 6.
The interannual average precipitation is of 321 mm/año, with a great interannual variety, putting in very dry years with rainy years. The precipitations appear of irregular form, frequently with a great intensity, causing floods. The months of autumn are those that register greater indices of pluviometría, whereas the summer is practically dry.
The relative humidity average is of the order of 64.2%. The winds are of weak to moderate. The stronger wind gusts of wind appear in spring and lowest in winter.
» City of Totana « - por Totana City, 30/06/2006 18:41
Totana city - por City of Totana, 30/06/2006 | Ville de Totana - por VilledeTotana , 06/07/2006 | Città di Totana - por CittàdiTotana , 06/07/2006 | Stadt von Totana - por StadtvonTotana , 06/07/2006 |